Nalexander Received a Hearing Disposition of Continued on Supervision Fmi Call 8667190108

Do you want to organize your calls more easily?

Or do you seek a categorization system in place for your calls and their various outcomes?

Well then, call dispositions may be what you've been looking for.

Contact centers can reduce your workload by implementing call dispositions. They're a way to keep track of the outcomes of your inbound and outbound calls.

By using this method, you'll be able to keep track of how calls are performing. Moreover, you'll also be able to see how your team is doing.

For contact cente rs , the ability to track call outcomes and identify areas of improvement is a valuable asset.

In this article, we will look at call disposition and how call disposition codes are useful in business.

What is call disposition?

The label or tag attached to the outcome of a phone call is known as a "call disposition " .

It is a fact that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to sales calls. Sometimes your customers/prospects ask for a demonstration while others are unsure or uninterested. Regardless of whether or not a sale is made, call dispositions are essential data that should be documented.

After a sales call, dialer CRMs demand agents to log the call's outcome. A well-integrated CRM will prompt reminders and processes to keep things going for your customers and business alike.


Once your customer agrees to purchase or wants a demo, their status in the CRM is marked as 'interested.' The customer is then added to the prospect list and demo invitations are sent. Subsequently, it will initiate a series of automated actions.

The CRM will upgrade your customer to a DND list if they state that they're "not interested". They will stay on this list for an amount of time until it's acceptable to re-engage with your client.

It is customary for agents to do disposition updates immediately after they complete their after-call work (ACW). The next call is connected after your agent completes the disposition. Furthermore, your agent must update the disposition promptly so that the workflow can proceed as planned.

The call disposition feature is frequently used in conjunction with codes . This is done to prompt the system about call outcomes.

Inbound and outbound telemarketing are separated to keep things organized. Call disposition codes can provide a lot of important information. For example, information regarding customer tickets, transaction completion, follow-up emails, customer number disconnection, and more.

Check out: Call Analytics

Inbound Call Disposition Examples

Here are two instances with different sales motions to show what call disposition s could look like.

The first is inbound call dispositions, also identified as "lead follow-up." Some call disposition examples of this form are:

  • No Answer; No Voicemail
  • Left Voicemail
  • Connected – DM: Qualified, App Follow Up
  • Connected – DM: Call Back Requested
  • Connected – DM: Qualified, App Taken by Phone
  • Connected – DM: Qualified, Not Interested
  • Connected – DM: Disqualified
  • Connected – Gatekeeper or Future Follow Up
  • Inactive/Wrong Number
  • External Verification
  • DNC (Do Not Contact)

Outbound Call Disposition Examples

Other than inbound call disposition, outbound call disposition is another type often used in sales. Also known as "Prospecting" or "Cold Calling," some outbound call disposition examples are:

  • No Answer; No Voicemail
  • LVM (Left Voicemail)
  • Gatekeeper
  • Connect; No Conversation
  • Convo: Not a No; Not a Yes
  • Convo: Meeting Scheduled
  • Convo: No
  • Convo: Referral
  • Convo: Company Poor Fit
  • Convo: Rescheduling
  • Meeting Confirmation

Also read: What is Abandoned calls

Useful Call Disposition Codes

You use call disposition codes to mark calls at a contact center and sort them into various categories. Agents in call center s can use these codes to provide details about the completed calls, such as:

  • The reason for the call
  • The type of the call
  • Outcome
  • Action required by the call center

When the disposition window appears, the code is updated as soon as your agent completes a call. After that, your entire team can access that call information.

The problem of "low first-call resolution rates" can be effectively addressed by implementing call disposition codes such as:

  • Abandoned in queue
  • Appointment scheduled
  • Busy
  • Callback
  • Complaint
  • Complete
  • Disconnected number
  • Incorrect number
  • Not interested
  • Product question
  • Requires to follow up
  • Requires supervisor attention
  • Refund
  • Sales closed
  • Tech support

You can customize these codes to fit your current process. Codes like these are merely examples of what your call disposition function could look like. To get the best results, you should work with your agents to choose which codes to utilize.

How does Call Disposition benefit your business?

Call disposition has a substantial impact on your operations. Furthermore, it can significantly improve your customer support and ensure constant revenue streams.

outbound call disposition examples

1. Collects Applicable Data

The status of each phone call will be communicated to your operations team via call disposition. This data is critical since it helps identify the patterns in your telemarketing strategy.

Team leaders can use this actionable data to identify areas for improvement or new revenue streams. Call dispositions will display the following information:

  • Number of no responses or wrong leads
  • Number of voicemails
  • Calls closed in positive feedback
  • Number of new leads generated via conversations
  • First call resolution rate

2. Saving Your Agent's Time

Your agents will be more resourceful if they smartly tag the calls with appropriate call dispositions. This saves valuable time, increases productivity, and relieves agents of mundane tasks.

3. Data Accuracy and Complian ce

With call disposition, call data is logically constructed and is more uniform. Your agents and managers can rely on this information without performing any additional verification.

Using call disposition codes, callers can be labeled as disconnected, inactive, busy signal; do not contact; and so on. Your business can use the disposition code to identify these numbers and remove them from the campaign list.

When the new list is created, this will allow for greater efficiency . Alongside this, it also allows for compliance with the DNC (Do Not Call).

4. Improved Customer Engagement

You can evaluate and learn about diverse client behaviors using call dispositions. As a result, your team will be able to design a customer interaction strategy tailored to their specific needs.

You can even modify your call campaigns as often as necessary to meet your KPIs.

5. Increased ROI

Every lead is a possible source of income. To get the most out of each lead, you need to maximize the likelihood of greater conversion. As such, you may automate every sales conversation with the aid of call disposition.


Call disposition is an essential feature of call centers.

With call disposition, y our calling agents are spared the tedious task of taking notes. Moreover, it analyses each input to point out any patterns or mistakes.

Many companies have come up with creative ways to leverage call dispositions. For example, rewarding your agents whenever they made an upsell or cross-sell while on the phone. The call disposition made it easy to identify the agents as well as the calls.

Analytics will play a key role in the future of call centers. Using call disposition trends to forecast hot leads will become a vital component of lead generation.

Keeping this in mind, remember to always make the best of call dispositions and call disposition codes. A little presence of mind can go a long way in driving more conversions!


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